Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What is bravery and courage?

Each time in a land where people live
Alien attack
It will land troops to fight the enemy
And the war begins

In war, soldiers or kill or be killed
To those in war to kill large numbers of enemy warriors say
And an enemy of the people because of the courage shown
Admire him

Because a good moral courage
Ethics does not mix well with bad ethics
Courage arises when the terms of courage

Such as military both sides are
Both have weapons
Both going to war with each other, have
Both during the war and not a ceasefire

Attacking civilians is not war, nor courage
Like this attack on children
Attacks on Women
Attacks on houses
Attacks on hospitals
The attack on prisoners

Islam never to kill civilians, women and children and not hurt them
Because Islam is the courage and manhood
And of masculinity without the work

All this is true in Islam and the human orders
  That even in battle to someone who is not his escape
Women do not have the right to participate in war
Children and women are respected and their homes
Do not attack someone who is unarmed
The prisoners to observe their behavior and what you eat to their manager
No one has the right to kill the enemy in time of peace
To fulfill Hdhaytan

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