Thursday, October 22, 2015

big lie

big lie

Arises when a lie?
When want to hide the truth
And lie instead of Truth impose
lies wear Truth  clothes 
Every time an expensive diamond for sale
Make Diamond Replica

Deceives those who are unfamiliar with diamonds.
Those who have seen the appearance of the diamond

You must know
Truth and lies
Right and Replica
left and right
good and bad
at ease
And with eye-popping is not understandable

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Who's his life going
  As people live?
Do not read history?
Or just your studies and observations
All images of people naked

Or spent in casinos
Or spend the night in bars?
Think a minute.
One minute you are not drunk
Those to guide all humanity
Have lost their lives
If in doubt, read on
Hussein reply to you

just. life. this

O people!
Is it not enough?
Is there life is that in all cases
Only one word can be life on all books
Referred to
Unless human
With this complexity
To all his fellows
  Why people are indifferent
Reluctance to why
If life is just the same things that we see
How much vain
Wish elsewhere after this world!
Do you not think so?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Who had killed her thirsty lips One of his sons and relatives killed in front of her One who rose up against oppression The one who took his family captive Someone even gave not him a glass of water And he killed worst He was not the initiator of war 

be free

Be free
If you do not have religion
At least
Be The free

Do not under any injustice
Because the price is higher than the slavery of man to be
And reject oppression

If you die with dignity is better than life with humiliation
Life is not free, human
The free from evil, free from disbelief, free of purposelessness


The people
The same as who in the global tyranny and disbelief
Have chopped
Why not grab're
The God rope
Why not get help from Own intellect
On his way to find
The all the dead, without a goal in his life and without thought in human perfection crossing of the route your

And do not follow any destination
The those who have no one you did not create?
The those who do not know any religion meet?
And the material world who you're useless patterns
Wake up
If you are philanthropist
Goodness yourself
To reach their shout

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Benefactor = upright = mohsen

Name grandson of Prophet Mohammed
Hassan and Hussein and Mohsen was
Islam has a good name and the good itself
This means that everyone should be upright
Hasan =Benefactor=upright

God loves those who are ...

Who expend both in joy and tribulation, who suppress their anger and pardon their fellowmen; and God loves those who are upright and do good
3-134 quran

who is Philanthropist?

quran tell you

God does not impose on any soul a responsibility beyond its ability
Every soul receives whatever it gains and is liable for whatever it does. Lord, do not hold us responsible for our forgetfulness and mistakes. Lord, do not lay upon us the burden that You laid on those who lived before us. Lord, do not lay on us what we cannot afford. Ignore and forgive our sins. Have mercy on us. You are our Lord. Help us against the unbelievers.

Monday, October 12, 2015

All women are beautiful world

All women are beautiful world

saline water creates thirst
Eat as much saline water're still thirsty
But man, for example: if he thirst, drink two glasses of water will be resolved
So much for adultery and illegitimate sex the go
You will not be satisfied

Relieve the thirst of the peace

What is violence

What is violence

Violence, the exceed of their rights to others
Adultery is a kind of violence
Murder violence
Devouring orphans violence
Violence is killing our children

These orders
In the Quran,
Surah 17
Verse 31 34

Sunday, October 11, 2015



one who created you
He says
Do not commit adultery

Adultery incompatible with a loving partner
Before marriage
And after marriage
Foundation of the family is on Truth
The women before and after marriage is a lie his wife
And lie is disrespectful
And disrespect partner
Disrespectful to yourself
Because your wife is your own



one who created you
The person who gave you a place of peace
Who sent messengers for peace and human life
Who created love
Who very loves his creation
Do you trust him to believe?



How do people confidence?
Who did to you kindness!
before all؟



If someone said to you thanks
And loved you
And he had no interest either
And give to you everything
But did not ask you to do something that is to your advantage
Do you trust this person?
Your confidence that their demands your attention?
And they do it?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

What is faith?

What is faith?

Do you have friends who have full trust them?
If so?
How did you acquire this confidence?
Do you trust and honesty and friendship with the treatment they have been proven to you
Honesty that even if you are not present
In this case, you
Do you believe to your friend
The full Atmad
Trust is have sense of relief
As a result of the relaxation of faith

Friday, October 9, 2015

which i have doubts about the first one

There are two things that are infinitive
Galaxies and stupidity of humans 
which i have doubts about the first one